The Daily GRRR! - March 12th, 2015

Welcome, I am your host dan kellar and you are listening to The Daily GRRR! on 100.3fm, CKMS in Waterloo, Ontario. on the web, today is March 12th, 2015.
We are broadcasting from the centre of the Haldimand Tract, the occupied Grand River Territory of the Haudenosaunee.
The Daily GRRR! is a project of the Grand River Media Collective; and is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
The music that opened the show was from The Rebel Spell’s tune The Tsilhqot'in War.
Today’s feature is a reading of Towards an anti-colonial anarchism:
Eurocentrism, re-colonization, and settler colonialism by Vanessa Sloan Morgan from
Before we get to that, let’s start with headlines:
The Daily GRRR!
HEADLINES for March 12th, 2015
1. No Tar Sands Transport Without Consent in Treaty 3 Territories
2. Additional Research Shows Union Busting leads to Economic Inequality
3. Bill C51 Opposition Grows As Hearings Set To Begin
4. ”It’s a sad day” - Todd Serious of the Rebel Spell Dies in Nevada Rock Climbing Accident
1. No Tar Sands Transport Without Consent in Treaty 3 Territories
Stating in a declaration “We are joined to Declare to our Nation, as the political leadership we are determined to ensure that no oil or bitumen shall be transported through Anishinaabe Aki without our full, prior and informed consent,” chiefs from the Anishinaabe Treaty 3 First Nation unanimously shared their opposition to tar sands oil shipments through their territory.
Chief Fawn Wapioke of Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake #39 First Nation) told DeSmog Canada “It’s good to have a united position in our territory. There was no opposition. Everyone is on the same page.” He added “Water is sacred. Water is life.”
Treaty 3 First Nation comprises twenty-five Anishinaabe First Nations. Some Treaty chiefs were not able to attend the two-day special assembly last week, but there appears to have been no disagreement among the chiefs present on endorsing the declaration.
Aimed primarily at the proposed energy east pipeline from transcanada corporation, the declaration could spark wider impacts on operational plans for other export pipelines, such as southern Ontario’s #Line9, which are fed through western pipelines.
As deSmogBlog put it “A wall of First Nations opposition to the proposed Energy East oil pipeline is emerging in northwestern Ontario.”
2. Additional Research Shows Union Busting leads to Economic Inequality
More research has been released showing that income equality is shredded as union membership declines, which re-enforces earlier data which showed that in countries with strong union membership and collective bargaining power there are lower rates of poverty.
The research was highlighted and quickly compared by who quoted an upcoming report from two IMF economists saying "The decline in unionization is strongly associated with the rise of income shares at the top." Armed with a pretty chart the article notes that with falling union rates in Canada the “income gap is among the fastest growing in the developed world. The top 1% in Canada captured 37% of the overall income growth in the last three decades”
While the impact on the middle class is highlighted in the article, it is working class people who feel the most severe impacts from income inequality.
3. Bill C51 Opposition Grows As Hearings Set To Begin
Opposition to Canada’s conservative government’s bill c51, Harper’s so-called “anti-terror” legislation, continues to grow with a country wide day-of-protest planned on saturday March 14th. The legislation has been accurately and widely condemned within canadian social justice circles, academic and legal communities, and civil liberties watch dogs as unconstitutional through its regularisation of spying and infiltration; fascistic in its de-facto creation of an secret police; and intrusive with a normalisation of restrictions to civil liberties.
The Alliance Against poverty notes that in Waterloo region the March 14th demo against C51 will gather at Kitchener City Hall on March 14th at noon. AAP adds “We are encouraging people to rally, march, talk to locals, plan direct actions or whatever it is they want to do. Open minds and diversity of tactics are recommended.”
While the New York Times published an op-ed railing C51, the Tyee put out quick 6-point run down on important info about the proposed legislation noting “The bill proposes a myriad of radical changes to Canadian law and to Canada's national security apparatus, many of which seriously jeopardize the rights and freedoms of Canadians while promising little improvement to public safety.“
Meanwhile, the quality of public discourse the federal government wants on C51 was laid out clear as Manitoba MP Lawrence Toet, who represents the Winnipeg riding of Elmwood-Transcona, sent out one of those annoying “survey” mailers which had two options on C51. You either agree that action must be taken to ensure our safety, or you disagree and think “terrorists are victims too”
4. ”It’s a sad day” - Todd Serious of the Rebel Spell Dies in Nevada Rock Climbing Accident
And we end our headlines on a sad note today as we pass along news of the tragic sudden death of Todd Serious, the 41 year-old lead singer of Vancouver/Lillooet based The Rebel Spell.
A message was posted on the band’s website on March 9th with the title “It’s a sad day” stating:
“It is our deepest regret to inform you all that on Saturday, March 7th, we lost our good friend and lead singer Todd Serious, also known as Todd Jenkins, in a tragic rock climbing accident. Todd influenced our lives in a way that is beyond comprehension. This is completely sudden and unexpected and we’re still processing what has happened. We’re taking a few days to figure it all out. This is pretty heavy for all of us, and a lot of people are still finding out so if you’re letting others know, please be respectful.”
In a write up for the Georgia Straight, Allan MacInnis wrote that Serious was “one of the most articulate and passionate members of the Vancouver punk scene” and adds the death occurred as Todd was climbing with his brother in Black Velvet Canyon, Nevada.
MacInnis adds:
“A long-time rock climber, Serious was no stranger to the hazards of the sport, and performed at Adstock in Maple Ridge just last summer with back problems caused by a previous fall.
Serious's lyrics reveal a commitment to social justice, First Nations sovereignty, and animal rights.
When the Straight interviewed him on Skype for our 2014 feature on the Rebel Spell, we discussed some of the doomsday scenarios that he lists in rapid fire in the apocalyptic title track of their album, The Last Run, including “pesticides and GMO wheat/ the water you waste for the taste of meat.”
I asked him just what his ideal society would look like, anyhow. After thinking it over for a second, Serious replied, “I want to live in a just world.”
It wouldn’t be a bad epitaph.
RIP, Todd Serious.“
US based punk/hardcore label Profane Existence put out the following statement:
“Todd was a wonderful human being a dedicated activist, excellent vocalist, and a good friend to many people. He contributed immensely to the punk community and positively impacted the lives of everyone he came in contact with. It is always widely felt when we lose another member of our tight knit community; and Todd was definitely a positive part of this community. His passing will be mourned by many people across the continent.”
Messages honouring Todd were also flowing in europe.
Locally, Waterloo region’s punk and anarchist communities have been mourning Todd’s death just as they have been honouring his life. Mike from Cambridge based Expect Resistance wrote on facebook:
“Expect Resistance would like to extend our condolences to Todd's family, friends, band mates, and loved ones. We didn't know Todd, but we had the pleasure of opening for The Rebel Spell in Kitchener on their Last Run Tour. Great music with an amazing message.
RIP Todd”
Randy from Rebel Time Records, a local collaborator in The Rebel Spell’s antics wrote:
“...My deepest sympathies go out to his family, friends and the Rebel Spell family. Lots of tears here, but also some happiness...happiness at having had a chance to get to know Todd and The Rebel Spell and to have had the honour of working with him in a small way on spreading his/The Rebel Spell's music and message. Admiration too, for his always forthright and unwavering commitment to and concern/compassion for everything around him. Thanks for everything Todd, through your personal conduct, and through your music and message, you made me a better person….”
Personally, The Rebel Spell’s music and message inspired and energised me and was a major part of the Daily GRRR! and AW@L radio soundtracks over the past several years. Todd’s good nature and welcoming attitude showcased the very best punk has to offer. As i fondly remember the ear-drum shattering opening of the KWCCSJ in 2009, i think to the bands most recent show in Kitchener in 2014 which i was able to catch only because my second child delayed arriving in this world for an extra day. I send my condolences to Todd’s family, friends, and bandmates.
I Heard you Singing Todd, Rest in Power!
Thats all for headlines, lets take a little break and go to a song, here is Rebel Time Randy’s request for a tune from The Rebel Spell, this is Fight For The Sun off of their 2014 album “Last Run”.
And we are back, you just heard The Rebel Spell with Fight For The Sun. Again Todd Serious of The Rebel Spell, dead at 41 following a rock climbing fall on March 7th.
You are listening to the The Daily GRRR! Today is March 12th, 2015 and my name is dan kellar and we are now moving into the feature portion of our broadcast.
Feature: A read of Towards an anti-colonial anarchism:
Eurocentrism, re-colonization, and settler colonialism by Vanessa Sloan Morgan from
That was a reading of Towards an anti-colonial anarchism:
Eurocentrism, re-colonization, and settler colonialism by Vanessa Sloan Morgan from
This was the The Daily GRRR! for March 12th, 2015. We are on weekdays from 9-10am on 100.3fm CKMS in Waterloo region, and on the web. Check out all our past shows and other Grand River Media Collective work on our webpage
The Daily GRRR! is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Stay tuned in for more Grand River Radical radio after we close the podcast with another tune from The Rebel Spell. This one reflects how i’m feeling right now, here is “The World Turned Upside Down”
Thanks for Listening.