The Daily GRRR! Dec 3, 2014 - International Solidarity News

Welcome, I am your host Julian Ichim_ and you are listening to The Daily GRRR! International Solidarity News on 100.3fm, CKMS in Waterloo, Ontario. on the web, today is Dec. 2nd, 2014.
We are broadcasting from the centre of the Haldimand Tract, the occupied Grand River Territory of the Six Nations (Haudenosaunee).
The Daily GRRR! is a project of the Grand River Media Collective; and is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Today’s feature i A rabble Podcast With Francis Makey of the 32CSM
We will begin today with headlines:
The Daily GRRR! HEADLINES for Dec. 2nd, 2014
1. North East Pylon Pressure #NEPP - #32CSM
2. Statement from Republican Political Prisoners, Roe House, Maghaberry
3. Letter recently sent to Dublin City Council regarding the neglect of the Croppies' Acre #32CSM
4. Government’s proposal to increase rent in local authority housing if water charge is not paid - #32CSM
1. North East Pylon Pressure #NEPP - #32CSM The 32 County Sovereignty Movement Louth-Meath Cumann, support the North East Pylon Pressure (NEPP) campaing. It is the overall representative group for the people of Ireland’s North East who advocate that high power electric cables should go underground.
We (NEPP) are not professional protesters. We are not ‘rent-a-crowd’. We are ordinary, decent people who have been galvanized into action in this campaign because of the threat we face. We are not opposed to progress. In fact,we favour increased recourse to renewable energy sources for the generation of electricity. We also favour a strengthened national electricity grid. But not at any price. Not at the price of people’s lives and health and irreparable damage to our environment, heritage and livelihoods.
2. Statement from Republican Political Prisoners, Roe House, Maghaberry The stock take regarding the implementation of the August 2010 Agreement in Maghaberry Jail has already been sabotaged by Paul Givan and his cohorts in the DUP and the POA. It has been subverted through disingenuous and devious methods employed by the Jail administration. In essence they have ripped up the stock take document along with the August 2010 Agreement.
Governor Thomas Ferguson has told Republican Political Prisoners that regardless of what David Ford says both landings will, from Monday 17th November 2014, be treated as 2 separate units. He also stated that there would be no opening of a grill separating both landings until violence in the streets stop.
The DUP and the POA have been opposed to every progressive recommendation and change within the Jail. Paul Givan has, on behalf of these organisations, opposed the Steele Report which was accepted by the British Government, CJINI, and HM inspectorate of prisons those who signed up to the August 2010 agreement, which included consecutive Prison Ombudsman; the Independent Assessment Team; the Church Leaders; Politicians and Trade Union Representatives along with Civil Society.
We have consistently warned of the malign influence of certain individuals in this jail with inextricable links to the DUP. Our protestations have fallen on deaf ears or have been overruled by darker forces. If those in power are genuine about moving forward to a conflict- free environment within this jail, they need to show that they are serious, for now this process is dead.
Republican Political Prisoners
Roe House.
3. Letter recently sent to Dublin City Council regarding the neglect of the Croppies' Acre #32CSM Below is a copy of a letter recently sent to DCC from the 32CSM Leinster Executive.
To whom it may concern,
On behalf of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, we would like to bring, with the utmost importance, the following to your attention:
While a member of the public was visiting the Croppies’ Acre in Dublin on Sunday 16th November, it was noticed that there was a lock on the gate, however it noticed that the gate was not secured and was easily opened.
Upon entry into the site, it was clear that the area is being used by some for the administration of drugs among other anti-social activities.
On the inside of the wall, the concerned member of the public noticed that there was a small unattended pink toddler’s bicycle and along the footpath towards the monument it was also noticed that used needles as well as other drug paraphernalia had been thrown across the ground.
The amount of used needles that are left lying around on the ground is both a health hazard and unsavory.
This is not the first time contempt has been shown towards the Croppies' Acre monument. Not only that; but the lack lustre attitude shown towards the safety of the public and to children is equally shocking.
We The 32 County Sovereignty Movement, ask why the Croppies' Acre site has been allowed by Dublin City Council to go into such a state? And we would also like to point out the fact that if there were proper facilities in place for the administration of drugs, such as heroin for those who find themselves addicted to such drugs, then the problem of recklessly discarded needles would not be as severe as it is.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would appreciate your immediate attention into this matter and hope that it will be addressed at the earliest opportunity.
We look forward to your reply,
4. Government’s proposal to increase rent in local authority housing if water charge is not paid - #32CSM
Government’s proposal to increase rent in local authority housing if water charge is not paid - #32CSM
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement strongly condemn the free-state government’s proposal to increase the rent in local authority housing if householders disagree or are unable to pay this unjust water charge. If a tenant does not pay their charges it is believed that the tenant will face increased bills, bills that will push them even further into poverty. Once again the Fine Gael / Labour coalition have shown their true colours.
The Sovereign rights of the Irish people are being eroded piece by piece by this current administration.
Water is a human right, the people cannot be forced to pay for a commodity that is already paid for through indirect taxation, any attempts to evict local authority tenants for non payment of water charges will be vigorously met by the people of Ireland.
Sovereignty cannot be bought or sold!!!
Beir Bua
you are listening to the International Solidarity News edition of The Daily GRRR! Today is Dec. 2nd 2014 and my name is Julian Ichim and we are now moving into the feature portion of our broadcast.
Feature:Which is a rabble podcast interview with Francis Makey National Chair of the 32CSM
This was the The Daily GRRR! for Dec. 2nd 2014. We are on weekdays from 9-10am on 100.3fm CKMS in Waterloo region, and on the web.
Check out all our past shows and other Grand River Media Collective work on our webpage
The Daily GRRR! is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Stay tuned in for more Grand River Radical radio after we close the podcast with a song, here is Bandwith "Song".
Thanks for Listening.