The Daily GRRR! - December 18th, 2014

Welcome, I am your host Dan Kellar and you are listening to The Daily GRRR! on 100.3fm, CKMS in Waterloo, Ontario. on the web, today is Thursday December 18th, 2014.
We are broadcasting from the centre of the Haldimand Tract, the occupied Grand River Territory of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations).
The Daily GRRR! is a project of the Grand River Media Collective; and is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Today’s feature is an interview from Aaron Lakoff of the CKUT news collective, with journalist Dawn Paley. They discuss Dawn’s new book “Drug War Capitalism” as well as ongoing protests in Mexico for the disappeared students of Ayotzinapa
Now we will start with today’s headlines:
The Daily GRRR!
HEADLINES for December 18th, 2014
1. Momentum Surges for Expulsion of Misogynist Male Dalhousie Dentistry Students
2. 16 Month Old Refugee/Citizen Has Spent Entire Life In Canadian Jail
3. Montreal Firefighters Use Trucks As Protest Billboards
4. Conservatives Launch Online Campaign Targeting First Nations Bands Demanding Treaty Rights
5. Site C Dam Approved in BC - “An Expensive Mistake”
6. Big Canadian Charity Divests From Fossil Fuels
7. Nova Scotia Passes Fracking Moratorium
8. Quebec Says Fracking Exploration “Not Worth The Risk”
9. New York State Will Ban Fracking
10. Tar Sands Profiteers Targeted in Southern Ontario
1. Momentum Surges for Expulsion of Misogynist Male Dalhousie Dentistry Students
As new broke Tuesday about years long misogynist discussion from male Dalhousie university dentistry students in a facebook group for the 2015 class of dentists -- including postings of actions which would violate the code of ethics of the profession, and land perpetrators in jail, a petition to have the participants expelled has gained over 5000 signatures.
Noting that these student dentists would be graduating in 2015 and employed in a position of power and trust, the petition states:
“Not one individual, regardless of sex, age or gender that participates in a group that condones violence towards women including rape, the drugging of females and other misogynistic attitudes should ever be placed in a position of trust. Not one person who believes the drugging of an individual as a way to have non consensual sex is funny or a joke should ever have access to sedatives.‘
Online discussion has brought up that on facebook, people can be added to groups without participating in the group or knowing that they have been added. However, judging by screenshots sent to media, there were many participating in the group. Kings Student's Union President Michaela Sam wrote about the incident which impacts the shared space of the two schools: “To portray the actions of these men as
anything less than blatant misogyny and sexism would be to do an injustice to the women that were targeted and all of our students.”
The president of the School, Dr. Richard Florizone, has said that no complaints have been brought forward which request a formal procedure, however, “A number of the women in this case have elected to proceed with a restorative justice process under the policy’s informal resolution procedure, and this process is already underway. The restorative justice process is collaborative and inclusive of the parties involved, with a view to developing outcomes that ensure accountability.”
Pending next steps and the eventual outcome of the process, the media and the school have elected to keep group participants anonymous. The Facebook page has been deleted, though with a small class size, and the archiving capabilities of the web, names are likely to surface.
While the school has adopted the language of a “safe space” response for the targets of the online discussion as well as those who made the sexist comments, the petition text takes it to a broader level:
“We the signers also believe that all students should have the right to study in a positive environment that is free from the above attitudes; where every student feels safe to learn valued as a member of the School. We do not believe that allowing the members of this group to continue studying at the School promotes said environment for the females students, specially the ones named on the Facebook group.”
While the dentistry school has put off exams for the month, the president notes an update on the situation will come out in late January. According to reports, the page was created in 2013 and has been known to university officials since this past summer.
2. 16 Month Old Refugee/Citizen Has Spent Entire Life In Canadian Jail
Born soon after arriving on Turtle Island to a refugee who was imprisoned upon seeking safe haven in Canada, 16 month old Alpha Anawa has spent his entire life in jail.
Glory, who turned 29 on December 15th, arrived in February 2013 years after feeling her village in Northwest Cameroon as she was being targeted for genital mutilation. She was detained by the canadian border services agency without charge, and gave birth to Alpha in jail shortly thereafter. She is one of thousands of racialized or poor migrants being locked up in jails across the country, many with indefinite imprisonments.
Glory’s lawyer, Swathi Sekhar, says that the canadian government has been unable to deport Glory as they can not get the appropriate travel documents. Alpha, being a canadian citizen can leave the immigration centre, but only under the care of children and family services, and Glory is unwilling to give up her child.
In a statement given to No One is Illegal, Glory said: “I don’t even have words to express how I feel. It makes me speechless. I’ve been robbed of my life.”
For more on Glory and others who have been targeted by racist migration policies, check and
3. Montreal Firefighters Use Trucks As Protest Billboards
In the ongoing labour dispute in Montreal, firefighters have taken to “psychological” tactics, by painting 150 of their once bright red firetrucks, matte black and writing protest messages on them.
Montreal mayor Denis Coderre has said he will bill the firefighter’s, who have been fighting on ongoing campaign against changes to their pensions, for repainting the trucks.
Bill 3 passed in the provincial legislature on December 4th and will impact pension plans for municipal workers.
4.Conservatives Launch Online Campaign Targeting First Nations Bands Demanding Treaty Rights
In an effort to drum up public support for punishing first nations band councils who refuse to abide by new “transparency” legislation, the conservative government has now launched a website with an image of an Inukshuk alongside text of the supposed impacts of the new legislation, to sign people up to the party.
Recently the canadian government’s minister in charge of so-called ‘Aboriginal Affairs” Bernard Valcourt has threatened to cut funding to band councils who refused to file financial information in accordance with the legislation which many First Nations say violates their rights for self-determination and self-government.
5. Site C Dam Approved in BC - “An Expensive Mistake”
As the BC government announced massive funding for a mega-dam in the province’s interior, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs said: “This is an ill-advised and incredibly stupid decision the Province made” on a project were the case has not been made for energy demands or economic sustainability.
Stewart added that the project would have “devastating impacts on Treaty rights of Treaty 8 First Nations.” Vice president of the UBCIC, Chief Bob Chamberlin added ”Approval of this project signals to First Nations across BC that their values, beliefs, Title, Aboriginal Rights, and Treaty Rights will essentially be trampled upon, cast aside and disregarded whenever government deems a project economically important and significant… will continue to support and stand with the impacted Treaty 8 First Nations to ensure that this project does not proceed”
BC Based environmental campaigners the Wilderness Committee released a statement saying that the project’s approval will be the “most expensive mistake in BC’s history.” Explaining “The Site C dam would eliminate thousands of hectares of farmland and drown over 100 kilometres of critical valley-bottom wildlife habitat, as well as First Nations cultural sites,” the groups notes the increasing number of lawsuits aimed at stopping the dam’s construction, many of which are from Indigenous nations whose rights settler governments are infringing upon as the project moves forward.
6. Big Canadian Charity Divests From Fossil Fuels
Taking a strong stance which reflects their commitment to “environmental stewardship”, the large Canadian charity, the Catherine Donnelly Foundation has become the 1st such group to announce they will divestment from fossil fuels.
The foundation describes itself as “a lay-religious alliance that supports projects and programs designed to promote social and ecological justice and to engage those that have been overlooked and excluded.”
Noting the risks associated with the fossil fuel industry, including intesifying climate change, Jason Dudek, the Chair of the foundation said in a release: “As governments and global accords debate various restrictions on the Fossil Fuel industry… the green energy sector continues to demonstrate excellent potential. The Catherine Donnelly Foundation views environmental sustainability as a key financial consideration and we hope others join us in this enlightened investment logic."
7. Nova Scotia Passes Fracking Moratorium
In late November of this year, the government of Nova Scotia passed a bill which places a legal moratorium on high-volume hydraulic fracturing in shale formations. While the Council of Canadians “are pleased that the legislation has now passed” they note that “it is not ideal”
In a press releases the CoC, who is a member of the Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition (NOFRAC), said “Concerns were expressed that the bill does not include a requirement for community consent before fracking is permitted, that it is specifically aimed at high-volume hydraulic fracturing in shale rock formations, and that fracking would be defined in regulations rather than in the bill.”
The new legislation, which is just temporary, requires the government to 'put in place all of the things that are necessary,' Which, as Energy Minister Andrew Younger notes includes the duty to consult with First Nations and managing relationships with municipalities.
8. Quebec Says Fracking Exploration “Not Worth The Risk”
Stating there are too many potential negative impacts to the environment and to society from fracking along the St. Lawerence River, Quebec’s environmental review board has released a report concluding “that exploiting the province's shale gas deposits is not worth the risk.”
The report, released monday stated the risks to air and water quality and potential increases in noise and light pollution are not worth the money. Quebec has had a moratorium on shale gas exploration since 2011.
9. New York State Will Ban Fracking
After years of humming and hawing over the issue, the administration of New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, announced on Wednesday that fracking will not be allowed in the state.
Saying he “cannot support high volume hydraulic fracturing in the great state of New York,” the acting commissioner of health, Howard Zucker, said fracking could contaminate the state’s air and water and pose inestimable public-health risks.”
As reported in The New York Times, Fracking has been on hold in New York for the past five years as environmental groups, community capitalists, and libertarians have voiced concerns ”about the effects of fracking on the state’s watersheds and aquifers, as well as on tourism and the quality of life in small upstate communities.”
More than 20 towns and cities in New york state have passed moratoriums and bans on fracking, many now using zoning ordinances to help them assert local autonomy after the Court of Appeals backed them up in court.
10. Tar Sands Profiteers Targeted in Southern Ontario
On monday morning, “more than a dozen” tar sands profiteering businesses were targeted across southern ontario to bring light to ongoing ecological destruction associated with the giga-project’s development.
As reported on the toronto media co-op:
“Doors to banks, political offices, and other institutions associated with Enbridge have been locked or otherwise disabled, with “Closed for Risky Business” notices posted.
The notes themselves further described the motives of the activists:
“Good people cannot simply watch as the government and big business dismantle protections and poison our communities for profit, so today we call attention to companies that enable Enbridge to continue destroying for profit - their financiers and contractors; their facilitators and publicists. Those who manage their security and their planning, approve their permits and projects – and any other players who passively take part in eco-destruction while operating business as usual.”
Taking particular interest in the Line 9 pipeline expansion project, the co-ordinated actions took place in at least 4 cities and involved individuals from 9 communities across southern ontario.
The release notes “Ten million people live along the route of the Enbridge Line 9 pipeline: a high-pressured oil pipeline that’s more than 40 years old and has leaked at least 35 times. The pipeline walls are 30% thinner than modern pipes and during inspection with their own in-line tools Enbridge found nearly 13,000 anomalies. Instead of repairing these areas, however, Enbridge filed to perform visual inspections for just a fraction of them and then, in August 2014, filed to cancel 162 of those inspections to meet their in-service deadline. While Enbridge seeks to have the line approved to run soon, there are currently only 6 of the required 104 emergency shut off valves for major water crossings.”
The notices pasted on the doors concluded: “We will continue to act until our message is heard. We act because we care about keeping our water and air clean for our community and for future generations. Will you?”
Thats all for the headlines, now for some
Midway Musichere is Princess Nokia with the tune Hands Up. This is a track off of Metallic Butterfly, which RPM named 4th on their list of top Indigenous albums from 2014.
And we are back, you just heard Princess Nokia with the tune Hands Up.
You are listening to The Daily GRRR! Today is December 18th, 2014, my name is Dan Kellar, guest hosting for Trish Holmes, and we are now moving into the feature portion of our broadcast.
Today’s feature is an interview from Aaron Lakoff of the CKUT news collective, with journalist Dawn Paley. They discuss Dawn’s new book “Drug War Capitalism” as well as ongoing protests in Mexico for the disappeared students of Ayotzinapa
That was an interview from Aaron Lakoff of the CKUT news collective, with journalist Dawn Paley.
This has been the The Daily GRRR! for December 18th, 2014. We are on weekdays from 9-10am on 100.3fm CKMS in Waterloo region, and on the web. Check out all our past shows and other Grand River Media Collective work on our webpage
The Daily GRRR! is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Stay tuned in for more Grand River Radical Radio after we close the podcast.
Thanks for Listening.