The Daily GRRR! - November 28th, 2014 - Waves Through Walls: Prison Radio

Welcome, I am your host Dan Kellar and you are listening to The Daily GRRR! Waves Through Walls: Prison Radio, on 100.3fm, CKMS in Waterloo, Ontario. on the web, today is Friday November 28th, 2014.
We are broadcasting from the centre of the Haldimand Tract, the occupied Grand River Territory of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations).
The Daily GRRR! is a project of the Grand River Media Collective; and is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
The clip that kicked off the show is from Mumia Abu-Jamal with his piece entitled Ferguson. Check for more of Mumia’s podcasts.
Part 1 of today’s 2 part feature is an interview with Melissa Falconer from the Association of Black Students at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, an organiser of the #KW2Ferguson demo which took place in the evening of November 27th. The demo was one of hundreds across the continent in the past week and included a 4.5 minute die-in in front of the Waterloo regional courthouse to represent the 4.5 hours Michael Brown laid in the street after being murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.
Part 2 is a read of the Facts and Demands in the September 24th, 2014 police involved murder of Jermaine Carby, an unarmed black man from Burlington, Ontario. The SIU continues to deny information to the family of the man who was seemingly murdered by the peel regional police.
Now we will start with today’s headlines:
The Daily GRRR!
HEADLINES for November 28th, 2014
1. Vancouver Cops Kill Distraught Man Within Moments of Arriving On Scene
2. Cleveland Cop Shoots Dead A 12 Year Old Wielding a BB Gun
3. Peel Police Facing 25 Million Dollar Lawsuit After Witness Intimidation
4. In Bill C-13 Hearings, The OPP Asks to End Anonymity on the Internet.
5. Hackers Target Canadian Cops Over Alleged Framing of Ottawa Teen
6. Kinder Morgan Has GPS Coordinates Wrong - Court Throws Out Arrests
7. Controversial Judge Takes Over #G20Toronto Abuse Hearing
8. Demos in 3 Ontario Cities for Canadian Born Man Stripped of Citizenship, Healthcare
1. Vancouver Cops Kill Distraught Man Within Moments of Arriving On Scene
The officer who shot and killed Phuong Na Du in Vancouver earlier this week still remain anonymous as the investigation into the shooting continues.
In a video shot by a 13 year old by-standard, and matching the recounting from a witness, police arrive at the scene where 51 year old Phuong is clearly in some sort of mental distress, and shoot him “within a minute”. Phuong was speaking to himself and running a 2x4 across a fence when the officers arrived, ordering him to put down the lumber.
According to one witness "A police car pulled up and police started asking the man to come, and to come towards them across the crosswalk and to put down the stick, and right when they say put down the stick they opened fire on him."
No attempt at de-escalation was made, and Phuong was shot with real bullets after initially being assaulted with a bean-bag round.
2. Cleveland Cop Shoots Dead A 12 Year Old Wielding a BB Gun
In another example of the complete failure of so-called law-enforcement officers in not acting like the murderous terrorists they work so hard at hiding, video has been released of a 12 year old being shot dead within 2 seconds of a Cleveland police cruiser slamming to a stop 10 feet from the boy.
The boy, Tamir Rice was in a park with a BB gun, walking around a Gazebo scaring people. A man, who can be seen in the video, called the police to tell them about the boy andsaid the gun was probably fake. Minutes later a pig cruiser drives up onto the grass near the boy, a rookie officer gets out and shoots the boy dead in cold blood within seconds of arriving.
The officers then waited 4 minutes to check the boys vital signs as he laid dead, feet from them. Both cops involved in the killing have been placed on administrative leave.
3. Peel Police Facing 25 Million Dollar Lawsuit After Witness Intimidation
Following his exoneration for the killing of another man, events promoter Eric Morgan is now suing the Peel regional police for 25 million dollars for the loss of his freedom and after the trial judge, Fletcher Dawson ruled cops had violated his Charter rights by coercing, intimidating and threatening witnesses with criminal charges. The Judge wrote “almost all witnesses were inappropriately pressured.
The peel regional police have been at the centre of attention recently with this case, and the recent jailing of ex-peel cop Sheldon Cook. Eric Morgan’s lawyers claim that now retired Peel Police Chief Michael Metcalf pushed a “win-at-all-costs culture” which led to gross misconduct leading to miscarriages of justice and wrongful convictions.
4.In Bill C-13 Hearings, The OPP Asks to End Anonymity on the Internet.
As the hearings into the governments anti-privacy bill C-13 played out in Ottawa over the past month, one witness, an inspector in the OPP, Scott Naylor was asked by a conservative senator for his #1 christmas wish, to which the cop responded “When you sign up for the Internet, there is absolutely no requirement for any kind of non-anonymity qualifier...The Internet is moving so quickly that law enforcement cannot keep up. If there were one thing that I would ask for discussion on is that there has to be some mechanism of accountability for you to sign on to an Internet account that makes it like a digital fingerprint that identifies it to you sitting behind the computer or something at that time. “
While admitting he had no clue on how his wish could be granted due to the world-wide nature of the internet, Naylors wish to end anonymity on the internet needs to be met with a critical caution. A representative from the second largest police force in the country telling a fascistic government that their fascistic bill is not fascistic enough, should ring alarm bells of civil libertarians and all other inhabitants alike - the government always wants to know where you are online, and the OPP seeks to implement limits to accessing the internet with a vetting program similar to getting a mortgage or a drivers licence.
Of course, as Michael Geist points out, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled unanimously that the importance of online anonymity is paramount in a modern democracy.
5. Hackers Target Canadian Cops Over Alleged Framing of Ottawa Teen
The hacking collective Aerith has been targeting police and city websites across canada and have claimed that #opSoaringEagle will continue with doxing of police force info and takedowns of their websites. The cyber attacks come as an Ottawa teen goes to court on swatting charges, over 30 suspected incidences across north america where fake reporting of critical incidents to 9-1-1 led to the dispatch of militarised SWAT teams.
Aerith claims that the Ottawa teen who was arrested was the victim of IP faking by a sex criminal in New Jersey and the father of the teen says he has information which support these claims.
The ottawa citizen reports that in addition to the attack on the City of Ottawa website “Several other websites, including the Ottawa Police Service, Supreme Court of Canada, City of Toronto and City of Laval, went down for varying periods after the hacker threatened to target them. The Supreme Court said it took its systems off-line over the weekend to make sure they had not been compromised.“
Previously, Aerith claims to have previously taken down the Calgary Police Website, but known twitter accounts linked to the hackers have been suspended and no other attacks have been made public.
6. Kinder Morgan Has GPS Coordinates Wrong - Court Throws Out Arrests
On thursday, the BC Supreme Court announced that all charges of civil contempt for protesters arrested in the Burnaby Mountain standoff would be dropped after Judges noted the arrests did not actually take place in the injunction zone. Justice Austin Cullen also announced that Kinder Morgan would not be granted an extension to their current injunction which ends December 1st.
SFU molecular biology chair Lynne Quarmby, who was arrested earlier this week, said of the protests against the slated #tarsands pipeline: "I wanted our public to recognize the extreme injustice happening in the degradation of the regulatory process. This was really apparent this morning as we saw all the...incompetency demonstrated by (Kinder Morgan) Trans Mountain. If they can’t even get GPS coordinates right, how are we going to trust them to ship oil through our port without an accident? They’re not giving much consideration to the public."
More than 100 people have been arrested at the protest site as the RCMP secured the area for Kinder Morgan to drill deep into the mountain for core samples for their proposed under mountain tunnel for the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline.
7. Controversial Judge Takes Over #G20Toronto Abuse Hearing
With the sudden departure of the initial judge in the disciplinary hearing for the top Toronto cop charged in relation to the Kettling tactic during the G20 protests in 2010, retired judge John Hamilton will take over.
Hamilton, 79, was repeatedly rebuked by the Ontario Appeals Court during his career on the bench for inappropriate conduct and substandard decision making, with more than 18 decisions being overturned.
The Toronto Star notes that during his time as a defense lawyer, Hamilton often represented police officers in both court and before the public complaints board, and seemingly reinforced the status quo around sexual assault of womyn while on the bench.
8. Demos in 3 Ontario Cities for Canadian Born Man Stripped of Citizenship, Healthcare
And we have an update on the case of Deepan Budlakoti, the Canadian born man made stateless by the Harper government in a disturbing case of double punishment. Following pressure from immigration minister Chris Alexander, the public-access Ontario Health Insurance Plan, more commonly known as OHIP, has told Deepan that he is no longer eligible for coverage under the plan, which means he no longer has free access to health care should any health issues arise.
A release on quotes Melanie Spence, a doctor with Health for All with:
“Denying OHIP coverage to any person residing in the province of Ontario is needlessly cruel, and sets a dangerous precedent. Health is a basic human right, and the denial of health care coverage to any person should not be tolerated. OHIP should be made available to all Ontario residents, regardless of their immigration status.”
On Wednesday November 26th, demonstrations took place in Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa in support of Deepan, demanding that the Canadian government give Deepan back his citizenship and for OHIP to cover his medical needs. Deepan has appealed to the Health Care Appeal Board and in a recent statement notes “The Ministry’s decision to deny access to health care is particularly striking after the Federal Court’s recent decision in Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care et al v. Canada (2014), which reversed the federal government’s cuts to refugee health care. The court established that denying healthcare to vulnerable individuals constituted cruel and unusual punishment.”
The Justice For Deepan committee has launched a gofundme campaign called “Give the Gift of Health | J4D” to build up savings for Deepan who is not allowed to work in the country. Visit to support Deepan.
9. #Ferguson March In Kitchener
As one of hundreds of actions taking place this week around the world in solidarity with the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, over 100 people gathered the evening of november 27th at city hall in Kitchener before marching to the Waterloo regional courthouse.
Chanting among other things #HandsUpDontShoot, “Racist Police -- Off Our Streets!” and “The System isn’t broken, it was built this way” the demo included a cold 4.5 minute die-in in the waterlogged concourse in front of the courthouse, representing the 4.5 hours Michael Brown laid dead in the streets after being executed by officer Darren Wilson.
Stay tuned in after the break for more on the #KW2Ferguson mobilisation.
Thats all for the headlines, now for some
Midway Music: A Tribe Called Redwith a fresh track for the #thanksgiving season Burn your Villages to the Ground
And we are back, you just heard em>A Tribe Called Redwith a new track released on american #thanksgiving Burn your Villages to the Ground
You are listening to Waves Through Walls edition of The Daily GRRR! Today is November 28th, 2014, my name is Dan Kellar and we are now moving into the feature portion of our broadcast.
Part 1 of today’s 2 part feature is an interview with Melissa Falconer from the Association of Black Students at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, an organiser of the #KW2Ferguson demo which took place in the evening of November 27th. The demo was one of hundreds across the continent in the past week and included a 4.5 minute die-in in front of the Waterloo regional courthouse to represent the 4.5 hours Michael Brown laid in the street after being murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.
That was our interview with Melissa Falconer from the Association of Black Students at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, an organiser of the #KW2Ferguson demo which took place in the evening of November 27th. To Get more info about the ABS, including upcoming events, see their facebook page or on twitter (@ABS_Laurier).
Now we move into Part 2 which is a read of the Facts and Demands in the September 24th, 2014 police involved murder of Jermaine Carby, an unarmed black man in Burlington, Ontario. The SIU continues to deny information to the family of the man who was seemingly murdered by the peel regional police.
Here is the post from the support page:
Jermaine Carby was killed by Peel Regional Police on Sep 24th 2014, a force with a long and documented history of violence against the Black community. Rather than providing answers and support to Jermaine's family, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is engaging in suspicious and hostile behavior that indicates a cover-up.
We cannot let them get away with taking yet another Black life! Family, friends and supporters have organized the 'Justice For Jermaine Carby Campaign' to investigate his death and bring all those responsible to justice. Join us in our struggle to end to police racism and brutality, and build unity and strength in our community!
1. A friend was driving with Jermaine when they were pulled over near Queen/Kennedy
2. Jermaine was shot several times
3. Police were heard saying 'drop the knife', yet no weapon was seen by eyewitnesses or confirmed by police or media
4. Witnesses report Jermaine had his hands up
5. Media and police have attempted to assassinate Jermaine's character by bringing up past charges that were in fact stayed
6. The S.I.U investigation, led by Paul Dempsey, has not given the family any support or answers
We are placing the following demands on the Special Investigations Unit and Peel Regional Police:
1. To release the name of the officer who shot Jermaine
2. To release the name of the driver who was with Jermaine when he was killed
3. To inform us why the car Jermaine was in was pulled over in the first place
4. To inform us whether Jermaine had a knife or not/ and if so to produce the knife in question
For more info on the murder of Jermaine Darby, visit
This has been the The Daily GRRR! for November 28th, 2014. We are on weekdays from 9-10am on 100.3fm CKMS in Waterloo region, and on the web. Check out all our past shows and other Grand River Media Collective work on our webpage
The Daily GRRR! is supported by the Community Radio Fund of Canada and CKMS.
Stay tuned in for more Grand River Radical Radio after we close the podcast.
Thanks for Listening.